Educators | Parents | Students | Publishers | Developers | Researchers
Information and Resources geared towards teachers in K-12, specialist educators who work with students who have specific disabilities and those in higher education.

- Math Support Finder – an online tool that helps you identify the right combination of technologies needed for your student to read math accessibly
- Web-Accessible Virtual Electronic Scratchpad – a small Windows application that provides accessible math input and output for blind and visually impaired users.
- MathShare (coming soon) – an online accessible math editor that allows students with various disabilities to interact with digital math equations and show their work in multiple ways.
- Tools for creating Accessible Math (Webinar) – hosted by the DIAGRAM Center with Steve Noble and NCAM’s Geoff Freed and Bryan Gould presenting

- Poet Image Description Training Tool – a training tool that helps people learn how to describe the various types of images found in digital books including complex images such as flowcharts and Venn diagrams
- DIAGRAM Image Description Guidelines – guidelines for how to describe images both in a general sense as well as specific types
- Accessible Image Sample Book – an online resource that shows you what some of the many options are for creating accessible versions of various types of digital images from maps to bar charts
- How to Describe Complex Images (Webinar) – hosted by the DIAGRAM Center with NCAM’s Bryan Gould presenting

- Printing of Braille with 3D Printers (word doc) – a best practice guide for using a 3d printer to create braille
- 3D Printing for Accessible Materials in Schools (word doc) – a research report about the benefits and challenges of 3D printing in education
- Decision Tree – Developed by Touch Graphics, Inc., the Decision Tree (report in Word) is a tool for choosing which print images need tactiles and which need descriptions.
- How to Describe Complex Images – The Tactile Graphics Project at the University of Washington has created the TGV (Tactile Graphics with a Voice), a QR-code reading app that allows text within images to be read and voiced by a mobile device such as an iPhone or Android phone.

- Educational Videos – accessible videos introducing STEM concepts to young learners in understandable and engaging ways
- Educational Games – accessible games strengthening pattern recognition and memory
- The DIAGRAM Report – an annual report on some of the most important ways technology is changing the educational landscape for students with disabilities
Information and Resources geared toward parents of students with disabilities from Pre-K through higher-education

- Math Support Finder – an online tool that helps you identify the right combination of technologies needed for your child to read math accessibly
- Web-Accessible Virtual Electronic Scratchpad – a small Windows application that provides accessible math input and output for blind and visually impaired users
- Math Share (coming soon) – an online accessible math editor that allows students with various disabilities to interact with digital math equations and show their work in multiple ways.

- Educational Videos – accessible videos introducing STEM concepts to young learners in understandable and engaging ways
- Educational Games – accessible games strengthening pattern recognition and memory
- The DIAGRAM Report – an annual report on some of the most important ways technology is changing the educational landscape for students with disabilities
Information and resources geared towards students with disabilities from Pre-K through Adult Education

- Math Support Finder – an online tool that helps you identify the right combination of technologies needed to read math accessibly
- Web-Accessible Virtual Electronic Scratchpad – a small Windows application that provides accessible math input and output for blind and visually impaired users
- Math Share (coming soon) – an online accessible math editor that allows students with various disabilities to interact with digital math equations and show their work in multiple ways.

- Educational Videos – accessible videos introducing STEM concepts to young learners in understandable and engaging ways
- Educational Games – accessible games strengthening pattern recognition and memory
- The DIAGRAM Report – an annual report on some of the most important ways technology is changing the educational landscape for students with disabilities
Information and resources geared towards content creators and producers of educational materials for K-12 and higher education, assessments and data driven tools.

- Poet Image Description Training Tool – a training tool that helps people learn how to describe the various types of images found in digital books including complex images such as flowcharts and Venn diagrams
- DIAGRAM Image Description Guidelines – guidelines for how to describe images both in a general sense as well as specific types
- Accessible Image Sample Book – an online resource that shows you what some of the many options are for creating accessible versions of various types of digital images from maps to bar charts
- Training – webinars focusing on accessible image description creation and best practices for accessible production

- Quick Start Guide to Accessible Publishing – a brief introduction to accessible publishing, advantages of accessible publishing and how to create accessible digital content
- Top Tips for Creating Accessible EPUB – a list of what you need to know to create accessible EPUB
- Diagrammar – a data model for image description metadata
- Image Guidelines for EPUB3 – mark up best practices for images within EPUB 3 files

- MathML Cloud – open source conversion tool that creates both images and alternative descriptions of math equations
Information and resources geared towards those developing technical solutions to accessibility problems in educational materials.
Developing Accessible Websites Apps and EPUBS

- Accessibility Wizard (in dev) – how to for EPUBs and other web interactions (includes Accessible Code Repository); a search engine for accessible code, best practices, standards, and examples, which have been vetted by DIAGRAM.
- DAISY Knowledge Base– Best practices for developers
Developing Accessible Interactives:

- Accessible Code Repository (in dev) – open source, free to use examples, code snippets and best practices for accessible interactions.
Developing Accessible Media:

- Accessible Image Sample Book– an online resource that shows you what some of the many options are for creating accessible versions of various types of digital images from maps to bar charts.
Information and Resources geared toward those researching solutions to problems of accessibility in education.

Accessibility Research Resources
- DIAGRAM “research” page– a collection or research projects and reports on a range of topics pertaining to accessibility done by DIAGRAM and DIAGRAM community partners
- DIAGRAM Report– an annual report on some of the most important ways technology is changing the educational landscape for students with disabilities
- Imageshare– a shared, open source platform for educators and consumers to explore and find alternative resources (modalities) related to key STEM concepts