DIAGRAM Center Reports
Welcome to the annual DIAGRAM Report. If you are an educator or parent of a student with disabilities, or a student with disabilities yourself, we hope these reports will serve as a useful guide to some of the most important ways technology is changing the educational landscape. The DIAGRAM Center Report identifies key technologies and trends having the biggest impact or potential for impact on the education of students with disabilities in the United States. The report includes an overview of these technologies, information about relevant opportunities and challenges, and a list of resources and next steps.
The DIAGRAM Center Report is produced by the DIAGRAM Center, an initiative of Benetech funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. The DIAGRAM Center is dedicated to research and development that will increase the availability and use of digital accessible educational materials so that students with disabilities have equal access to the general curriculum, including STEM educational content. In order to develop technical standards, digital tools, and best practice guidelines for accessible education, the DIAGRAM Center brings together a community of education, technology, and accessibility experts who are working on standards, tools and software, research, training, and outreach. To create these reports, the DIAGRAM Center team administered surveys and interviewed these experts to augment its research and identify the key technologies.
The 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 editions of the DIAGRAM Report are available. Each year, we will add an additional report, updating previous content as well as exploring new technologies. We urge you to provide feedback and recommendations on new technologies to ensure that the reports remain relevant and useful. We hope these reports can start a conversation in your classroom, school district, home, or workplace that will open new opportunities for technology to better serve students with disabilities.
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Lisa Wadors Verne
DIAGRAM Project Director
Director of Education and R&D